Welcome to Grégory Mounié’s home page !

Grégory Mounié; photo


I am associate professor at Ensimag IMHO, one of the two nicest places of France to learn computer science. To get an idea of the other place, check the ranking of Univ. Grenoble Alpes in Shanghai, by subject, for CS and engineering For another hint, check the 2018 locations of full-time CNRS researchers in Computer Science

Ensimag is the computer science and applied mathematics department (École (School) in French) of Grenoble-INP, the engineering faculty of Univ. Grenoble Alpes. I am doing my research activities at LIG laboratory in the Datamove team (I was before in the MOAIS team). The laboratory is funded by the science universities of Grenoble and the French science institute CNRS . My team, as half of the teams of the LIG, is also funded by French computer science institute Inria. My research activities are located in the IMAG building, on the campus of Grenoble.

Ensimag birthdate is 1960, very early in the computer science history, thanks to the creation by Jean Kuntzmann of the “Laboratoire de Calcul” with one of the first computers of France.

My main research interests are parallel computing and scheduling. I also work on network monitoring, communication optimization, and visualization. My teaching activities occur in the master of Computer Science. I am mainly teaching operating systems.


Office 448, 4th floor

Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble
Bâtiment IMAG
150, place du torrent
Domaine Universitaire
38401 St Martin d’Hères

Tel: +33 (0)4 57 42 15 33

Research interests

Mainly algorithms for High Efficiency Computing (HEC) and High Performance Computing (HPC).

Recent former co-advising of PhDs

Official former PhD students, still academics

I had the privilege to work also with numerous PhD students of Prof. Denis Trystram. He has more than 50 PhD. Half of them are still in the academic system in France, Brasil and US.

Teaching activities

I am teaching Operating Systems, Concurrency, and, at a smaller scale, Networks and Security at Ensimag .


Current administrative activities

Former notable administrative activities

My publications


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Contact address

All contact information are available on the official lig directory, looking for mounie

You may also join me at my jabber adress: legrego AT jabber.org. This address is reachable from Google Talk.