
My research interests are focused on system architecure for high performance computing and large distributed system (Grid, Cloud, Cluster…), testbed dedicated to experimentation, tools to conduct proper and reproducible experinces.

Current Projets:

Below list of project (academic or software) where I'am participating at different levels. Scientific Projects:

  • National project PEPR Numpex - PC4 Exa-Atow Architectures and Tools for Large-Scale Workflows
  • Natioanl project PEPR Cloud - Taranis
  • European project Regale european project on Open Architecture for Exascale Supercomputers
  • Slices-FR: French part of Slices which is a flexible platform designed to support large-scale, experimental research
  • Grid5000: Platform for experimental computer science

Software Projects:

  • OAR: A resource ans job managment system for clusters and distributed infrastructures.
  • NixOS-Compose: reduce the burden of setting up ephemeral distributed systems thanks to Nix functional package manager and Nixos (Gitlab group).
  • Batsim: is an infrastructure simulator that enables the study of resource management policies.
  • CiGri: A ligthweight and simple grid solution for Bag of tasks.
  • Other software on Github

PHD Students:

  • Dorian Goepp: PhD student, present; (tentative) title: Contribution of the functional approach to conducting reproducible systems experiments
  • Quentin Guilloteau: PhD, 10/11/2023, title: Control-based runtime management of HPC systems with support for reproducible experiments
  • Adrien Faure: PhD, 02/12/2020, title: Advanced Simulation for Resource Management
  • Michaël Mercier: PhD, 01/07/2019, title: Contribution to High Performance Computing and Big Data Infrastructure Convergence
  • Cristian Ruiz: PhD, 15/12/2014, title: Methods and tools for challenging experiments on Grid’5000 : a use case on electromagnetic hybrid simulation
  • Joseph Emeras: Phd, 01/10/2013, title: Performance Evaluation of HPC Resource Management
  • Yiannis Georgiou: Phd, 5/11/2010, title: Resource Management for Large Computing / Gestion de ressource pour le calcul intensif
  • Brice Videau: PhD, 28/09/2009, title: Large Scale Experiment Control / Conduite d'expérience à grande échelle
  • Lucas Nussbaum: PhD, 4/12/2008, title: Emulation for P2P System Testing / Emulation pour l'étude des système P2P
  • Georges Da Costa: PhD, 09/11/2005, title: Caractérisation et génération d'environnement pour les systèmes P2P
  • Mauricio Aronne Pillon: PhD, 30/11/2004, title: Adaptive control system with hardware performance counters


Past Projects:

Below list of past projects (academic or software) where I have participated.

  • Ciment: This project was an effort toward the federation of all scientific parallel computing needs among Grenoble University. Now is part of UAR Gricad's missions
  • DSL-Lab: Platform to experiment distributed systems running on DSL Internet
  • RNTL IGGI: Grid Computing on Intranet ressources
  • ARC INRIA OTaPHe:Scheduling parellel tasks in heterogenous context
  • Grid Explorer (GdX): Instruments for Grid experiments
  • ComputeMode: Deploying lightweight clustering framework for intranets.
  • DRAC
  • Ka Clustering Tools(Ka-Tools)